Friday, May 12, 2006

Digital Scrapbooking

My word, am I ever behind on my posts. I have no good excuse but a 6 yr old and 22 month old. I am all over the place these days. I am reading my Bible and have stuck with it - feels good! I jumped from Acts to Revelation a few days back. There was a time when Revelation scared me but now I find it so glorious and hopeful. But I am trying to determine my next move. I realize that I am at my very best learning something new. I have to feel I am moving forward. I am thinking maybe I should learn digital scrapbooking. I would like to - but I don't even know where to begin! I have Photoshop. Now - kazzamm! - shouldn't that do it for me? {LOL} I struggle with the whole concept a bit because I love the tactile experience - but - I think it will be a nice compliment to my hands-on art, right? Anyway, I have completed a few projects in the last few days - a board book for both girls and shower invites for my sis. Will post something tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Well, this didn't post so well but it was fun to do. About trying to catch creative freedom while juggling all the usual stuff, etc. Children screaming - got to run ;-)